Special 7 Taiwan Flowers Stamps (1958) (D007) |
Special 16 Ancicnt Chinese Paintings in the Palace Museum Stamps (1960) (D016) |
Commemorative 90 Good-People-Good-Deeds Campaign Commemorative Issue (1963) (B090) |
Special 29 Flowers Stamps (Issue of l964) (D029) |
Special 60 Ancient Painting of Flowers and Birds Stamps (1969) (D060) |
Special 61 Flowers Stamps (Issue of 1969) (D061) |
Special 102 Taiwan Handicraft Products Postage Stamps (Issue of 1974) (D102) |
Special 104 Famous Chinese Paintings on Moon–shaped Fans Postage Stamps (Issue of 1974) (D104) |
Special 105 Flowers Postage Stamps (Issue of 1974) (D105) |
Special 115 Famous Chinese Paintings on Moon–shaped Fans Postage Stamps (Issue of 1975) (D115) |
Special 117 Madame Chiang Kai–shek’s Landscape Paintings Postage Stamps (1975) (D117) |
Special 124 Famous Chinese Paintings on Moon–shaped Fans Postage Stamps (Issue of 1976) (D124) |
Special 127 Ancient Chinese Paintings 〝Pine, Bamboo, Plum Three Friends of Winter (D127) |
Special 150 Ancient Chinese Painting 〝Children Playing Games on a Winter Day〞 Postage Stamps & Souvenir Sheet (1979) (D150) |
Definitive 102 National Flower Postage Stamps (1979) (A102) |
Special 179 Chinese Flower Arrangement Postage Stamps (1982) (D179) |
Special 200 Plum Blossom Postage Stamps (1983) (D200) |
Definitive 107 Pine﹐Bamboo, and Plum Postage Stamps (1984) (A107) |
Special 210 Ancient Chinese Painting (D210) |
Special 207 Famous Chinese Paintings by Chang Ta–chien Postage Stamps (1984) (D207) |