Definitive 041 Dr. Sun Yat-sen and Martyrs Issues Surcharged as 20?(1943) (A041)
Stamp SN : A041
Stamp Name : Definitive 041 Dr. Sun Yat-sen and Martyrs Issues Surcharged as 20?(1943)
Stamp Cat Standard : Definitive Stamps
Stamp Cat : Chiefs Of State,Martyrs,Emblems
Issue date : 1943-05-01
Stamp No. Original print Sheet composition
D41.1 Martyrs HK. 10×5
D41.2 Martyrs HK. (Wmk) 10×5
D41.3 Dr. Sun HK.Chung Hwa 10×5
D41.4 Martyrs HK. 10×5
D41.5 Dr. Sun N.Y. 10×5
D41.6 Martyrs HK. 10×5
D41.7 Martyrs HK. 10×5
The surcharge was done by the Yu Teh Printing Press, Sihsiakow (西峽口豫德印刷局) in No. 4 Sung typeset characters in black. The position of the Arabic numeral 〝20〞 is rather low with a wide space between the two figures. The figure 〝0〞 is as round as a circle. The whole set consists of seven different stamps.
(2)W. Szechwan Surcharge (Issued in 5.1943) D41.8 Martyrs Peiping (10×10)×2
D41.9 Martyrs HK. (10×10)×2
D41.10 Martyrs HK. (Wmk) (10×10)×2
D41.11 Dr. Sun HK.Chung Hwa (10×10)×2
D41.12 Martyrs HK. (10×10)×2
( 5×10)×4
D41.13 Martyrs HK. (10×10)×2
D41.14 Martyrs HK. (10×10)×2
The surcharge was done by the Ta Kung Printing Press (大公印刷局) in No.. 5 Sung typeset characters in black. The position of the Arabic numeral 〝20〞 is rather high, situated in the middle of the characters 〝作〞and 〝角〞. The whole set consists of seven different stamps.
(3)Fukien Surcharge (Issued on 5.6.1943) D41.15 Martyrs HK. (Wmk) 10×10
D41.16 Martyrs HK. 10×5
D41.17 Martyrs HK. 10×5
The surcharge was printed in No. 4 Imitation Sung style typeset characters in red. The space between the two lines 〝改作〞 and 〝貳角〞is narrow. The third stroke in the character 〝角〞 is straight and blunt. The position of tha Arabic numeral 〝20〞 is rather low. As there was no suitable printing press in Chekiang which could do the required surcharge work, the Chekiang District sent its stamp stock to Fukien for overprinting. Consequently Fukien surcharged stamps were commonly used in the Fukien and Chekiang Districts. The whole set consists of three different stamps.
(4)Kiangsi Surcharge (Issued in 8.1943) D41.18 Martyrs Peiping (10×10)×2
D41.19 Martyrs HK. (10×10)×2
D41.20 Martyrs HK. (Wmk) (10×10)×2
D41.21 Dr. Sun HK.Chung Hwa (10× 5)×2
D41.22 Martyrs HK. (10×10)×2
D41.23 Martyrs HK. (10×10)×2
D41.24 Martyrs HK. (Wmk) (10×10)×2
D41.25 Martyrs HK. (10×10)×2
D41.26 Martyrs HK. (Wmk) (10×10)×2
The surcharge was done by the Kiangsi Branch of the Dah Tung Book Co. at Kanhsien (贛縣大東書局江西分廠) in No. 4 Sung typeset characters in red. The slanting storke in the character 〝改〞and the 3rd stroke in the character 〝角〞are especially long. The numeral 〝20〞is also large in size. The whole set consists of nine different stamps.
(5)Hunan Surcharge (Issued on 1.9.1943) D41.27 Martyrs Peiping 20×10
D41.28 Martyrs HK. 20×10
D41.29 Martyrs HK.(Wmk) 20×10
D41.30 Dr. Sun HK.Chung Hwa 20×10
D41.31 Dr. Sun H2K.Chung Hwa 20×10
D41.32 Martyrs HK.(Wmk) 20×10
D41.33 Dr. Sun N.Y. 10×20
D41.34 Martyrs HK. 20×10
D41.35 Martyrs HK. 10×5
The surcharge was made by the Tzu I Printing Press, Shaoyang (邵陽資一印刷社) in No. 4 Imitation Sung characters, which were written by hand and lithographed in red or black. The characters〝貳角〞 are quite different from those overprinted in other districts. The whole set consists of nine different stamps.
(6)Kwangsi Surcharge (Issued in 9.1943) D41.36 Martyrs Peiping 5×10
D41.37 Martyrs HK. 5×10
D41.38 Martyrs HK.(Wmk) 5×10
D41.39 Dr. Sun HK.Chung Hwa 5×10
D41.40 Martyrs HK. (Wmk) 5×10
D41.41 Martyrs HK. 5×10
D41.42 Martyrs HK. 5×10
The surcharge was made by the Ta Hsin Printing Press (大信印刷廠) with hand process in No. 4 Sung typeset characters in red. The Arabic numeral〝20〞is comparatively small and its position is low. The whole set consists of seven different stamps.
(7)Yunnan Surcharge (Issued on 23.9.1943) D41.43 Martyrs HK. 10×10
D41.44 Martyrs HK. (Wmk) 10×10
D41.45 Martyrs HK. 10×10
D41.46 Martyrs HK. 10×10
The surcharge was made by the Ta Chung Hwa Printing Co.(大中華印刷公司) in No. 5 Imitation Sung typeset characters in black. The whole set consists of four different stamps.
(8)Kansu Surcharge (Issued on 10.10.1943) D41.47 Martyrs Peiping (10×10)×2
D41.48 Martyrs HK. (10×10×2
D41.49 Martyrs HK.(Wmk) (10×10)×2
D41.50 Dr. Sun HK.Chung Hwa (10×10)×2
D41.51 Martyrs HK. (10×10)×2
D41.52 Martyrs HK. (10×10)×2
D41.53 Martyrs HK. (10×10)×2
The surcharge was printed in No. 5 Sung typeset characters in black in nearly the same manner as was done in W. Szechwan excpt that the Arabic numeral 〝20〞was overprinted in brackets. The whole set consists of seven different stamps.
(9)Kweichow Surcharge (Issued on 27.10.1943) D41.54 Martyrs HK. 20×10
D41.55 Martyrs HK.(Wmk) 20×10
D41.56 Dr. Sun HK.Chung Hwa 20×10
D41.57 Martyrs HK. 20×10
D41.58 Martyrs HK. 10×5
D41.59 Martyrs HK. 10×5
The surcharge was done by the Kin Han Printing Press(京漢印書館) in No. 4 Sung typeset characters in red. The Arabic numeral 〝20〞 is especially large in size and its position is rather low. The whole set consists of six different stamps.
(10)E.Szechwan Surcharge(Issued in 10.1943) D41.60 Martyrs HK. 20×10
D41.61 Martyrs HK. (Wmk) 20×10
D41.62 Martyrs HK. 20×10
The surcharge was printed by the Engraving and Printing Department of the Central Trust of China(中央信託局印製處) in No. 4 Sung typeset characters in red. The style is nearly the same as that surcharged in Kwangsi and Kiangsi Districts, but the vertical distance between the characters is shorter. The whole set consists of three different stamps.
(11)Kwangtung Surcharge (Issued in 10.1943) D41.63 Martyrs Peping 10×5
D41.64 Martyrs HK. 10×5
D41.65 Martyrs HK.(Wmk) 10×5
D41.66 Dr. Sun HK.Chung Hwa 10×5
D41.67 Martyrs HK. 10×5
D41.68 Martyrs HK.(Wmk) 10×5
D41.69 Martyrs HK. 10×5
D41.70 Martyrs HK. 10×5
The surcharge was done by the Ta Fang Printing Press at Kukiang (曲江大芳印刷所) in No. 4 Sung typeset characters in red. The Arabic numeral〝20〞 is especially small in size. The whole set consists of eight different stamps.
(12)Shensi Surcharge (Issued in 12.1943) D41.71 Martyrs Peping 10×10
D41.72 Martyrs HK. 10×10
D41.73 Martyrs HK.(Wmk) 10×10
D41.74 Dr. Sun HK.Chung Hwa 10×10
The surcharge was printed in No. 4 Sung typeset characters in black. Shensi and Honan are the only districts which printed the surcharged wording in black in No. 4 Sung characters. In the Shensi surcharge, the distance between the two lines of characters is Ionger and the figure〝0〞is a long oval. The whole set consists of four different stamps.
(13)Hupeh Surcharge (Issued in 12.1943) D41.75 Martyrs Peiping 20×10
D41.76 Martyrs HK. 20×10
D41.77 Martyrs HK.(Wmk) 20×10
D41.78 Martyrs HK. 20×10
The surcharge was printed in No. 4 Sung typeset characters in red, similar to the manner of surcharge done in the Eastern Szechwan District but the position of the numeral 〝20〞is higher-nearly on same level with the characters〝作〞and 〝角〞. The whole set consists of four different stamps. On February 15, 1943, the Directorate General of Posts sent a circular mail telegram to all District Head Offices and Pan-Shih-Ch'u with instructions that the stamps of the 13, 16 (excluding the stamps of the Central Trust Print), 17¢, 21¢and 28¢denominations in stock in various districts, which had been unused since the revision of the postal tariff after December 1942 were to be surcharged locally as 20¢with the characters〝改作貳角〞(surcharged as 20 cents). These were uniformly overprinted in the vertical lines on the sides of the portrait of Dr. Sun Yat-sen of Martyrs with the Arabic numeral〝20〞at the bottom in red or black. The surcharge was done in 13 Postal Districts on a total of 78 varieties.
Definitive 041 Dr. Sun Yat-sen and Martyrs Issues Surcharged as 20?(1943)
ChungHua Post
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