Commemorative 11 President of Executive Yuan Tan Yen–kai Commemorative Issue (1933) (B011)
Stamp SN : B011
Stamp Name : Commemorative 11 President of Executive Yuan Tan Yen–kai Commemorative Issue (1933)
Stamp Cat Standard : Commemorative Stamps
Stamp Cat : Politicians,Politics,Individuals
Issue date : 1933-01-09
Dimension of stamps(mm.) : 22 x 30
Printer : Peiping Printing Bureau of the Ministry of Finance
Sheet composition : 10×10
Process : Intaglio
Perforation : 14
Suspersion date : 1933-06-30
Mr. Tan Yen-kai(譚延闓), President of the Executive Yuan, died on September 22, 1930 while in office, and was given a state burial on September 4, 1931. Stamps which were intended to commemorate the burial were not completed in time and were subsequently issued on the date of the completion of the Memorial Hall built in front of his tomb. The stamps bear his portrait in the center with the face value shown in Chinese characters in the upper right corner and Arabic figures in the upper left corner, while the inscription 〝譚院長紀念郵票〞(President of Executive Yuan Tan Commemorative Stamps) appears in Seal-style characters in a straight line at the bottom. The design is simple without any decoration. Separate overprinted stamps were issued for use in the Sinkiang and Yunnan Postal Districts.
Commemorative 11 President of Executive Yuan Tan Yen–kai Commemorative Issue (1933)
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